Wart Removal

Welcome to Birmingham Wart Removal Clinic –
We operate as part of the Wart Removal Clinic Group throughout the UK.


Monday – Friday
9:00 – 17:00
9:00 – 13:00

0330 043 2013

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Our Nurses are fully trained with over 75 years experience regarding any issues you may have with Wart Removals.


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Do you have a Wart or Mole that’s bothering you? We can help!

At Wart Removal Birmingham, we are a trusted clinic specialising in the removal of warts and moles using proven methods.

Located conveniently within Birmingham, we understand the concerns that unwanted blemishes can cause, and we’re dedicated to helping you achieve clear, healthy skin you can be confident in.

Whether you have a stubborn wart on your hand or a mole that’s changed in appearance, our experienced nurses can provide a thorough consultation and recommend the most suitable treatment option for your specific needs.

We pride ourselves on offering a warm, welcoming environment where you can feel comfortable discussing your concerns and receive expert advice.

Understanding Warts

Warts are a common skin condition caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They appear as rough, raised bumps on the surface of the skin, typically on the hands, feet, or fingers.

While generally harmless, warts can be unsightly and sometimes uncomfortable. They can also spread through direct contact, so seeking treatment is advisable.

As you rightly pointed out, warts are contagious. The HPV virus can spread through direct skin-to-skin contact with a wart. Additionally, the virus can thrive in warm, damp environments like locker rooms, swimming pools, and public showers. Walking barefoot in these areas can increase your risk of contracting plantar warts.

Demystifying Warts: A Guide to the Different Types

 Common Warts: These are the most frequently encountered type. They have a rough, cauliflower-like appearance and typically grow on the backs of hands, fingers, knees, and toes.
Common warts often have tiny black dots in the center, which are actually clotted blood vessels.
Children, young adults, and people with weakened immune systems are more prone to common warts. While they may disappear on their own, many people opt for removal for cosmetic reasons or to boost self-esteem.
Removing common warts might require multiple treatment sessions.

Filiform Warts
: These unusual-looking warts stand out due to their resemblance to tiny, finger-like protrusions or branches.
Often found on the face, particularly around the eyelids, lips, and neck, they are typically narrow and flesh-colored.
Filiform warts can grow rapidly and spread easily, sometimes causing significant embarrassment due to their location.
The good news is that they also respond well to treatment and can often be removed in a single session.

Periungual Warts: As the name suggests, these warts grow under or around the fingernails or toenails. Initially, they appear as small, raised bumps that might go unnoticed.
However, as they develop, they transform into rough-looking bumps with irregular edges. Periungual warts can appear in clusters and exert pressure on the nail, potentially causing pain or even nail detachment if left untreated.
While uncommon, they require prompt treatment to prevent permanent nail damage or scarring. Removing periungual warts might require multiple treatment sessions.

Flat Warts
: These are small, slightly raised warts, typically found on the face and backs of the hands. They are usually flesh-colored, brown, or slightly yellow and are more common in children and young adults. Flat wart removal is a relatively straightforward process.

Seborrheic Warts
(Not Caused by HPV): Unlike the other wart types mentioned here, seborrheic warts are not caused by HPV.
These are essentially thick, rough-surfaced buildups of skin cells. They can vary significantly in size, color (ranging from skin-toned to black), and surface area.
Often associated with aging, seborrheic warts, also known as senile warts, commonly appear on the face but can also develop on the torso.
Left untreated, they may become more deeply embedded in the skin, making removal more challenging. Treatment for seborrheic warts is generally very effective, and the skin recovers well after removal.
While not medically serious, warts can cause discomfort and embarrassment. They can be particularly bothersome on the hands and feet, where they may rub against shoes or make it difficult to grip objects.

Additionally, the visible nature of warts can lead to self-consciousness and a reluctance to participate in certain activities.

While most warts are harmless and eventually go away on their own, some factors might influence your decision to seek treatment. Here are some considerations:
  • Location: Warts on the hands, feet, or face can be more noticeable and bothersome.
  • Comfort: Large warts or those in sensitive areas may cause pain or discomfort.
  • Appearance: Warts can be a source of self-consciousness for some people.
  • Persistence: If a wart doesn’t go away on its own after a while, seeking removal might be the best course of action.
Remember, you’re not alone! Warts are a common occurrence, and with proper treatment, you can achieve clear, wart-free skin.

Now that we’ve explored the different types and causes of warts, let’s delve into the specifics of wart removal using cryotherapy, a highly effective and widely used treatment method offered here at Wart Removal Birmingham.

What is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is a treatment method that utilises extremely cold temperatures to freeze and ultimately destroy unwanted tissue.

In the case of wart removal, liquid nitrogen, a colorless liquid with a temperature of around -196°C (-320°F), is the agent used for freezing.

This process triggers the body’s natural immune response, causing the frozen wart tissue to die and eventually fall off within a few weeks.

The Cryotherapy Process

Cryotherapy for wart removal is a relatively simple and straightforward procedure performed during a scheduled appointment at our clinic. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:

Preparation: No special preparation is typically required for cryotherapy. You can discuss any concerns or questions you may have with the clinician during your consultation.

The Treatment:

  • Targeted Application: Liquid nitrogen is applied directly to the wart using a specialised tool. This tool could be a metal gun or probe for larger warts or a pen-like device for smaller ones. In some cases, a cotton bud might be used for precise application.
  • Freezing the Wart: The liquid nitrogen rapidly freezes the wart tissue, causing a white, frozen patch to appear on the skin’s surface. This freezing process typically takes only seconds and is usually performed without the need for local anesthetic. The discomfort level is minimal and often described as a tingling or pricking sensation.
  • Monitoring and Reassessment: After the initial freezing, the clinician will assess the treated area. Depending on the size and thickness of the wart, a single application might suffice, or a second round of freezing may be necessary.

Effectiveness of Cryotherapy for Warts

  • Success Rates: Cryotherapy boasts high success rates when performed by a qualified healthcare professional. In most cases, a single treatment session is sufficient to remove a wart completely. However, some warts may require multiple treatments depending on their size and thickness.
  • Suitability for All Ages: Cryotherapy is generally safe and effective for people of all ages, making it a versatile treatment option.
  • Safe and Effective: Cryotherapy has a proven track record of safely and effectively removing warts.
  • Minimal Scarring: With proper technique, cryotherapy leaves minimal to no scarring.
  • Quick Treatment Times: Cryotherapy treatments are typically quick and efficient, often taking only a few seconds per wart.
  • Minimal Discomfort: The discomfort associated with cryotherapy is usually minimal and temporary.

Considering Cryotherapy for Wart Removal?

If you have a wart that’s causing you discomfort or affecting your confidence, cryotherapy might be a suitable solution.

Here at Wart Removal Birmingham, our experienced professionals can assess your individual case and determine if cryotherapy is the best course of action for you.

We utilise state-of-the-art equipment and ensure precise application of liquid nitrogen for optimal results and minimal discomfort.

Post-Treatment Care and Potential Side Effects of Cryotherapy

Following your cryotherapy treatment for wart removal, here’s what you can expect and how to optimise your healing process.

Post Treatment Care

  • Keeping it Clean and Dry (Hygiene is Key): Maintaining a clean and dry environment around the treated area is crucial for preventing infection and promoting optimal healing. Your clinician will likely advise you on the best way to cleanse the area and how often.
    • Avoid harsh soaps or cleansers: Stick to gentle, fragrance-free cleansers to avoid irritating the treated skin.
    • Avoid submerging the treated area: This includes baths, hot tubs, and swimming pools for at least 24-48 hours, or as instructed by your clinician.
    • Pat the area dry: After cleansing, gently pat the area with a clean, soft towel instead of rubbing.
  • Moisturising (Hydration is Your Friend): Applying a moisturiser like petroleum jelly can help keep the area from drying out and cracking, potentially reducing discomfort. Look for fragrance-free moisturisers suitable for sensitive skin.
    • Apply a thin layer: Don’t over-apply the moisturiser, as this can trap moisture and create a favorable environment for bacteria.
    • Reapply as needed: Especially if the treated area feels dry or tight, reapply a thin layer of moisturiser throughout the day.
  • Scab Care (Resist the Urge to Pick!): If a scab forms over the treated area, it’s essential to resist the urge to pick at it or rub it. Picking can not only increase your risk of scarring but also introduce bacteria that could lead to infection.
    • Let the scab fall off naturally: This allows the underlying skin to heal properly.
    • Gently clean around the scab: You can gently clean the surrounding skin with a mild cleanser, taking care not to dislodge the scab.
  • Minimising Scarring (Patience is Key): While cryotherapy generally leaves minimal scarring, proper care can further minimise the risk. Here are some additional tips:
    • Sun protection: Avoid exposing the treated area to direct sunlight, as this can worsen scarring. Wear sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher whenever outdoors, even on cloudy days.
    • Silicone scar sheets: These sheets can help flatten and reduce the appearance of scars. Consult your clinician to see if they’re appropriate for your situation.
  • Dressings (Not Always Necessary): Generally, dressings aren’t required after cryotherapy for wart removal. However, if the treated area is on a part of your body that rubs against clothing or another body part, your clinician might suggest a protective bandage for added support.
    • Change the dressing regularly: If a dressing is used, ensure you change it regularly, following your clinician’s instructions to prevent moisture build-up and infection.

Potential Side Effects

While cryotherapy is generally safe and well-tolerated, some temporary side effects are possible. Here’s what to watch out for and how to manage them:
  • Swelling and Redness (The Body’s Natural Response): These are normal inflammatory responses to the freezing process. Any swelling or redness usually subsides within a few days. Your clinician might prescribe a steroid ointment to accelerate recovery or recommend applying cool compresses to the area for short periods throughout the day.
  • Discomfort (Temporary Tingling or Stinging): While cryotherapy is minimally invasive, some lesions might require deeper freezing for complete treatment. This can cause temporary discomfort in the treated area, typically lasting for a short while after the procedure. Over-the-counter pain relief medication like paracetamol can help manage the discomfort. You can also discuss pain management options with your clinician during your consultation.
  • Blistering (A Sign of Healing – Usually): Blisters are a common side effect and often appear before scabbing. They typically heal on their own and shouldn’t be a cause for concern. If a blister fills with blood, it’s harmless. However, if it becomes extremely painful or leaks pus, consult your clinician immediately to rule out infection.
    • Avoid popping the blister: Popping a blister can increase your risk of infection and scarring.
  • Infection (Uncommon, But Be Aware): Infection is uncommon but can occur after any medical procedure. Signs of infection include increased pain, redness, swelling, pus formation, and fever. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your clinician immediately for evaluation and potential antibiotic treatment.
  • Scarring (Uncommon, But Possible): While uncommon, scarring can develop depending on the wart and the amount of treatment needed. Here are some factors that can influence scarring:
    • Location: Warts on areas with more movement or tension on the skin, like the hands or feet, are more prone to scarring.
    • Skin type: People with darker skin tones or those prone to keloid scarring (raised, thick scars) might have a higher risk of scarring after cryotherapy.
    • Healing process: Picking at the scab or not following proper aftercare instructions can increase the risk of scarring.
  • Pigmentation Changes (Temporary or Permanent): The treated area and surrounding skin might experience temporary changes in color, becoming lighter (hypopigmentation) or darker (hyperpigmentation). This is more likely in people with darker skin tones. While the color change might fade over time, it could become permanent in some cases.
  • Numbness (Temporary and Localised): Cryotherapy might occasionally affect a superficial nerve, leading to temporary numbness in the surrounding area. This numbness usually resolves within a few months to a year.
  • Reactivation (Warts Can Be Persistent): It’s important to note that warts can sometimes recur after cryotherapy treatment. This doesn’t necessarily mean the treatment failed. Warts are caused by a virus, and sometimes the virus can remain dormant in the skin and reactivate later.

When to Seek Medical Attention

While most side effects associated with cryotherapy are mild and temporary, there are some situations where you should seek medical attention from your clinician or a healthcare professional:

Excessive pain or discomfort that doesn’t improve with over-the-counter pain medication.
Signs of infection, such as increased pain, redness, swelling, pus formation, or fever.
Large or persistent blisters. Significant bleeding from the treated area.
Worsening or no improvement in the wart after several weeks.

Remember:During your consultation, our team at Wart Removal Birmingham will discuss your specific situation and address any questions or concerns you might have about cryotherapy or other wart removal options.

We will also provide detailed post-treatment care instructions tailored to your individual needs to ensure optimal healing and minimise the risk of side effects.

By following these post-treatment care guidelines and being aware of potential side effects, you can optimise your healing process and minimise the risk of complications after cryotherapy for wart removal.

Birmingham Mole Removal: Taking Control of Your Confidence

Moles are a natural part of our skin, but sometimes those little bumps can have an outsized impact on our self-esteem.

Perhaps you have a mole that constantly snags on clothing, making getting dressed a daily hassle. Maybe it’s in an awkward spot that makeup can’t quite camouflage. Whatever the reason, a bothersome mole can cause unnecessary anxiety.

The good news is that you don’t have to live with a mole that’s bringing you down. Here at Birmingham Wart Removal Clinic, we offer a safe, effective, and convenient solution to help you feel confident and comfortable in your own skin.

Please feel free to speak to our Birmingham Wart Removal Team, where we are happy to help with any questions or queries you have.

Why Consider Mole Removal?

There are several reasons why someone might choose to have a mole removed:

  • Cosmetics: If a mole is a source of self-consciousness and affects your confidence, removal can be a great way to achieve a smoother, more even complexion.
  • Comfort: Moles that snag on clothing or irritate during shaving can be more than just an annoyance. Removal eliminates the discomfort and allows for a smoother routine.
  • Peace of Mind: While most moles are benign, some may raise concerns. Having a mole checked by a qualified professional and, if necessary, removed can provide peace of mind.

Our Mole Removal Process in Birmingham:

At Birmingham Wart Removal, we prioritise your comfort and well-being throughout the entire process. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Consultation: We begin with a thorough consultation where a trained and qualified nurse will examine your mole. They’ll assess its colour, shape, size, and location to determine the most suitable removal method.
  • Advanced Mole Assessment: Our clinic utilises state-of-the-art skin scanners for a more detailed examination if the nurse feels further investigation is necessary. This scanner provides a magnified view of the mole’s structure, allowing for a more precise diagnosis.

Treatment Options

Following the examination, we’ll discuss the most appropriate removal method based on your specific mole and your preferences.
Some factors that influence the chosen method include the mole’s size, location, and depth. We offer several mole removal techniques, each with its own advantages.

Cryotherapy Mole Removal
: While a more traditional treatment, cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen to freeze and remove moles. However, it can be less comfortable than other methods and may require multiple sessions. We typically recommend alternative methods due to these factors.

Laser Mole Removal
: An advanced laser system offers precise removal of moles, particularly on the face, with excellent cosmetic results and minimal scarring.

Radio Frequency Mole Removal
: This is the most common method used for moles that protrude above the skin’s surface. A radiosurgery electrode loop gently removes the mole, layer by layer, with minimal discomfort.

 Mole Removal Procedure: Our mole removal procedures are designed to be as quick and painless as possible. In most cases, they don’t require stitches or incisions, minimising the risk of scarring.
  Aftercare: We’ll provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing and optimal results. This typically involves keeping the treated area clean and protected from the sun.

The Benefits of Choosing Birmingham Mole Removal

  • Qualified and Experienced Staff: Our team comprises trained and qualified nurses with extensive experience in mole removal.
  • Advanced Technology: We utilise state-of-the-art equipment for mole assessment and removal, ensuring precise diagnosis and effective treatment.
  • Minimally Invasive Procedures: Our mole removal methods are designed to be quick, effective, and minimise scarring.
  • Patient-Centric Approach: We prioritise your comfort and well-being, addressing all your questions and concerns throughout the process.
  • Choice of Treatment: We offer a variety of mole removal techniques to suit your individual needs and preferences.
Don’t let a bothersome mole hold you back from feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin. We offer a safe and effective solution to help you achieve a smoother, more even complexion. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discuss how we can help you achieve the results you desire.

If you are looking for Mole Removal or Wart Removal, our Birmingham Wart Removal Clinic Team Can help.

We also offer: Wart removal Aston, Wart removal Bournville, Wart removal Castle Bromwich, Wart removal Coleshill, Wart removal Curdworth, Wart removal Edgbaston, Wart removal Great Barr, Wart removal Hall Green, Wart removal Hamstead, Wart removal Harborne, Wart removal Hurley, Wart removal Kings Heath, Wart removal Kings Norton, Wart removal Marston Green, Wart removal Moseley, Wart removal Northfield, Wart removal Olton, Wart removal Over Whitacre, Wart removal Packington, Wart removal Perry Beeches, Wart removal Quinton, Wart removal Selly Oak, Wart removal Sheldon, Wart removal Shirley, Wart removal Shustoke, Wart removal Solihull, Wart removal Stechford, Wart removal Stockland Green, Wart removal Sutton Coldfield, Wart removal Walmley, Wart removal Water Orton, Wart removal Wednesbury, Wart removal Wylde Green, Wart removal Yardley. Wart Removal Newcastle

FREE Consultation

Simply call, SMS or email us to arrange your free consultation. We want to understand your issues and what you would like to achieve from your treatments.

Treatments by Experts

Your treatments are handled by our medical staff who have over 75 years combined experience, with genuine care for our clients.

After Care

We don’t simply send you on your way after a treatment. We have full after care plans where necessary to ensure you are getting the best results.

Make Your Appointment for Wart Removals in Birmingham

Contact us Today to book your Wart removal appointment.

Love Wart Removal Clinic, they make you feel so comfortable and at home. Will go back again and again if I need to. x
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WRC are amazing! Talented, knowledgeable and totally dedicated to their clients’ individual needs. Xxxxx
Sacha Taylor (via Facebook)
Lovely people… very professional.. fantastic service highly recommended.
Kerry (via Facebook)
Absolutely fantastic clinic! Definitely recommend to anyone.
Lisa (via WhatClinic)